Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 3-4: 90-96


Kletsyk V., PhD student
ORCID ID: 0009-0003-0724-1421
Lviv National Environmental University


The article examines the essence of the concept of "enterprise competitiveness" as one of the key categories of modern economic science. The ability of enterprises to compete determines their efficiency, market resilience, and development potential in the context of globalization. The main approaches to interpreting the concept of "competitiveness" in scientific literature are highlighted, including resource-based, process-oriented, result-oriented, and integrative approaches. The author emphasizes the multidimensional nature of competitiveness, which encompasses economic, organizational, innovative, technological, and social aspects.

Particular attention is paid to identifying factors influencing enterprise competitiveness: external (market conditions, regulatory policies, industry status) and internal (management efficiency, technology level, innovation potential, employee qualifications). The article also highlights the importance of competitiveness as a tool for enhancing overall economic productivity and ensuring sustainable enterprise development.

The paper separately addresses the challenges of assessing competitiveness and proposes approaches for its measurement, including the analysis of financial stability indicators, innovation levels, labor productivity, and customer satisfaction. The research findings can be valuable for developing strategies to enhance enterprise competitiveness, especially in the context of increasing competitive pressure in national and international markets.

Based on the analyzed theoretical foundations of the concept of "enterprise competitiveness," conclusions have been drawn and current trends in the organization of research on this process have been characterized. The author has presented a schematic vision of the interrelation between the level of enterprise competitiveness and its development in the market environment.


enterprise competitiveness, economic efficiency, competitive advantages, innovative development, market strategy



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