Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 3-4: 63-71


Hubeni Yu., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor
ORCID ID: 0009-0004-3273-2537
Zelisko N., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0009-0004-2896-4589
Zharskyi O., PhD student
ORCID ID: 0009-0004-3273-2537
Lviv National Environmental University


The article explores the role and significance of the image of retail trade facilities within the context of the business culture of territorial communities. It reveals the inherent connection between commercial image and business culture, highlighting the characteristics of retail trade images at the local level, specifically in territorial communities. The study acknowledges the increasing importance of retail trade in the economy of these communities, as well as the significant innovative and organizational changes occurring in the trading process. It establishes that the business culture in retail trade is founded on established values, behavioral standards, and customer expectations, while also considering the social life behavioral matrices. The article illustrates the organizational and functional connections between the business environment, business culture, and commercial image. It examines how the term "business culture" is perceived in both economically developed and struggling territorial communities. The relationship between the concepts of "image" and "business culture" is analyzed, and the key factors influencing the formation of the commercial image of retail trade establishments are identified. Additionally, the importance of developing a corporate style to reinforce brand perception among consumers is emphasized. The article presents the commercial image of selected retail establishments within certain territorial communities and compares the image index derived from surveys of customers and experts.

Based on these findings, the article concludes that there is a need for further research into the role and significance of image in the business culture of retail trade. It also states that using the experiences and characteristics of European business culture is prohibited. Finally, it outlines the key features of European business culture.


retail trade, image, commercial image, business environment, business culture



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