Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 3-4: 31-38


Lishchynskyi A., PhD student
ORCID ID: 0009-0006-1950-9968
Private Higher Education Establishment "European University"
Vykliuk M., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6039-2515
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The article examines the role of state support in ensuring the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises under martial law. The agricultural sector, which successfully plays a critical role in ensuring food security, is significantly affected by modern challenges, such as infrastructure destruction, financial instability and high risks. Theoretical approaches to the formation of investment attractiveness are substantiated, in particular the criteria for its assessment, which cover financial and economic, innovation and technological and organizational and managerial aspects. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the current status of state support, its mechanisms and effectiveness in the context of stimulating investment activity. A multi-level model of support is presented, which includes financial, regulatory, infrastructure and information instruments. The preferential lending program is analyzed, which, despite the positive impact on the economic sustainability of enterprises, demonstrates regional unevenness in implementation. The results of the study of grant support for the development of horticulture and greenhouse farming are presented, which contributes to the modernization of production and the creation of products with high added value.

The work also presents international experience of state support for the agricultural sector, in particular the practices of the European Union, which emphasize the importance of integrating innovative solutions into state policy. Key challenges are highlighted and recommendations are offered for adapting support mechanisms to wartime conditions.

The conclusions of the study emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to increasing investment attractiveness, which includes financial incentives, modernization of infrastructure, improvement of the legislative framework and creation of a transparent investment environment. The implementation of systemic state support measures will contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, strengthening competitiveness and ensuring economic stability in the conditions of crisis and post-war recovery.


agricultural enterprises, investment attractiveness, agricultural sector, martial law, state support, preferential lending, sustainable development



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