Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 93-102


Syniuk O., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8066-6985
Lviv National Environmental University


The concept of "investment attractiveness of the enterprise" has been thoroughly examined and structured through an analysis of scientific literature. The author has formulated a definition based on extensive research conducted by both domestic and foreign scholars. Investment attractiveness encompasses a spectrum of indicators and factors that delineate an enterprise's capacity to allure and retain investments, thus fostering sustainable economic development.

It is argued that the effectiveness of investment activity in agricultural enterprises depends on several aspects, including compliance with development strategies, particularly investment strategies; the general political climate in the country, which may affect the stability of the investment environment; organizational and managerial efficiency of internal management; and the quality of project implementation.

Several directions are proposed to increase the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises. These include a revision of domestic investment legislation to create a system of cohesive legal norms that supports investment activity of domestic enterprises; promoting investment in priority areas of the economy; using regulatory policy tools to expand the base of investment resources; increasing trust in the domestic banking sector to motivate the population to carry out investment actions; and providing state guarantees to protect the rights of investors.

By implementing these strategies, the investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises can be improved, satisfying the interests of owners, investors, and the state. This holistic approach aims to create an environment conducive to sustained investment inflows, stimulating economic growth and fostering prosperity within the agricultural sector and the broader economy.


investment, investment activity, investment attractiveness, investment process, investment climate, investment resources, investment activity, investment policy



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