Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 27-35


Syrotiuk H., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8740-7959
Lviv National Environmental University


The article describes the European Green Deal, which is a key strategy of the EU policy aimed at transforming Europe into a climate-neutral continent by 2050. The legislative aspects of the Green Deal are an integral part of the EU strategy, and support programs for the European Green Deal (EGD) are discussed. These include Next Generation EU, Green Deal Call, Invest EU, LIFE program, Just Transition Fund, and Circular Europe Network. The paper also analyzes a series of agreements and regulatory acts aimed at combating climate change, improving environmental policy, and other related areas. The achievements and challenges of countries that have joined the EGD are highlighted.

The work notes that Ukraine has expressed support for the EGD but has not implemented the Green Deal yet. The author examines measures of state policy that support the development of "green sectors" of the economy, and marks that implementation of the principles and goals of the EGD in Ukraine is characterized by significant difficulties due to the full-scale Russian military invasion. Despite the war, Ukraine is on the path of European integration and can become an integral part of the future climate-neutral Europe. The research identifies strengths and weaknesses, as well as priorities for green initiatives that can most effectively contribute to sustainable development and prepare for possible threats and challenges related to the implementation of new environmental standards and practices. It is concluded that Ukraine’s post-war recovery process should be based on the principles of the EGD and the application of advanced environmental tools, with particular attention to directions such as environmental restoration, implementation of Eurointegration reforms, and climate change policy.


European Green Deal, sustainable development, climate policy, implementation, green technologies



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