Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 2: 125-132


Zelisko N., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2467-5585
Lviv National Environmental University


The article defines the essence of the concept of “business authenticity” based on a new philosophy of management, which in turn dictates the need to educate a new generation of specialists with a high level of business culture. It is found that authenticity is a valuable quality that can positively affect the reputation of an enterprise, customer loyalty, and overall success. It is established that currently, almost all studies of the phenomenon of authenticity are theoretical, due to the complexity of its verification. It has been found that some authors interpret authenticity as a visual and verbal expression of business. It increases consumer awareness of the product and helps to develop business. Authenticity cannot be achieved if the organization's culture does not provide a clear picture of its market, positioning, values, and differences from competitors. The research has shown that values are essentially organizational and cultural components that influence the perception of business. The main values are identified, namely: organizational structures, rituals and customs, beliefs and attitudes, language and behavior. Therefore, these values should be declared not only by consumers but also by the company's personnel. The article shows that Europe's recognition of common standards for business culture, values, and business authenticity did not come from the very first days of the European Union's foundation. Initially, cultural aspects were not the basis of the European integration process. The author proves that for a company to be considered authentic, authenticity should be both its internal and external focus. The employee strategy should go beyond business culture programmes. It is advisable to look at the entire employee experience holistically and treat them with the same sophistication as customers. Based on the study of European experience, the article identifies six main ways to achieve authenticity in business.


authenticity, enterprise, business culture, European experience, value, uniqueness, authenticity, management, brand



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