Agrarian Economy 2023 Т. 16 № 3-4: 36-44


Syniuk O., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8066-6985
Lviv National Environmental University


The article highlights the importance of personnel management in agricultural enterprises and how its effectiveness can impact the overall operation of the enterprise. The research examines various scientific publications on the definition of "personnel management" and provides a systematic analysis of the concept. Based on the study of domestic and foreign scientific works, the author of the article has formulated her own definition of personnel management. It is defined as a purposeful and systematic activity aimed at establishing an optimal structure of employees with the necessary qualifications and quality for the enterprise, and developing an effective system of motivation and control to ensure continuous development of the enterprise.

The article argues that to implement promising directions for the development of personnel in agricultural enterprises, it is necessary to establish an organizational and economic mechanism for its formation and use. The main objectives of this mechanism are to ensure the effective use of personnel, rational use of all personnel components in accordance with the socio-economic goals of the enterprise's development, expanded labor force reproduction, creation of a legal framework for personnel management, formation of a system of incentives for efficient use of personnel; clear division of responsibilities between personnel management subjects.

The proposed directions to improve the personnel management process include raising the quality level of the workforce, optimizing the educational and qualification structure, age distribution of the personnel, training and advanced training, optimizing personnel movement processes, increasing employee motivation, searching for alternative sources of personnel investment, strengthening labor protection, preserving the health and working capacity of personnel, ensuring appropriate assessment, increasing the innovative focus of work, providing social protection to employees, and implementing the pension insurance system at enterprises.

It is important to note that implementing these directions will contribute to the improvement of economic and social indicators by achieving a high level of strategic personnel management.


personnel management, personnel management process, agricultural enterprises, organizational and economic mechanism, personnel optimization, personnel qualification, personnel distribution, working conditions, personnel evaluation, personnel motivation, social protection of employees, pension insurance



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