Agrarian Economy 2021 Т. 14 № 3-4: 48-55


Brukh О., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1117-0454
Lviv National Agrarian University
Sodoma R., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5020-6440
Lviv State University of Life Safety


The article substantiates the role of innovative development as a fundamental that determines the economic capacity of the country and its prospects at the world market.

The latest research and publications are analyzed, the main researchers engaged in a thorough study of this topic are selected. The main features of innovative development and innovative activity are determined.

Based on the world analytical information, the problems of innovative development of the national economy are analyzed. The current state of innovation activity in Ukraine is characterized on the basis of international rankings, where Ukraine is represented. Problems in this area are revealed. The article gives analysis of Ukraine's position in the ranking of countries according to the Global Innovation Index (GII), Bloomberg Innovation Index (BII), Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GICT), European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). A number of indicators which affect innovation activity are analyzed.

A current level of innovative activity in Ukraine in 2020 was investigated as compared to other European countries, and the rating of the results and analysis of innovative activity in dynamics was made.

The effectiveness of the leading countries’ innovation policy concerning innovation development, which is based on the principles of systematization, covers special incentives for innovation and creates favorable conditions for doing business in the country, favorable institutional environment and develops factors of innovation production.

Problems of the innovation policy implementation and measures for their solution are revealed. It is determined that the innovative development of the country will highlight the competitive advantages at the current European and world markets.

Recommendations, aimed at development of innovation in Ukraine, have been developed and main directions of improvement in Ukraine’s policy are named.


international rating, global innovation index, innovation activity, innovation development, innovation capacity, innovative policy, innovation activity, strengths and weaknesses, trends, world experience, dynamics



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