Agrarian Economy 2019 Т. 12 № 1-2:44-58
Hrynkevych S., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Brukh O., PhD, Associate Professor
Kohut M., PhD, Associate Professor
Lviv National Agrarian University
The article outlines the essence of the process of transforming the labor potential use. It has been determined that the level and quality of labor potential serve as the foundation of life support and stability in society. It’s also play a leading role in ensuring the competitiveness of the state's economy. The manifestations of the information influence of the society on the transformation of the labor potential use have been analyzed. The influence of socio-economic transformations on labor potential in the country is considered. The main preconditions for its optimal use are determined. The socio-economic development of the state is determined by the use of labor potential of separate territories as an integral part of the economic potential. The problems of structural transformations of labor potential in accordance with the requirements of the information society in Ukraine are outlined. The state of labor potential of Ukraine according to the demographic component, including the dynamics of natural population growth, is analyzed. The summary indicators of the labor potential state are shown. The role of the educational component in the formation of labor potential has been clarified. This analysis was made on the basis number of persons who have been studying at educational institutions of different education levels. The main indicators of economic entities activity and economic activity of the population according to the level of education are considered. The basic problems of rational labor potential use are connected with: depopulation; increase of demographic load on persons of working age; low innovative activity of employees; imbalance in the training of specialists by a system of higher education institutions and workers by the system of vocational education; rising unemployment and illegal employment; problem in pay. The priorities of respondents regarding obstacles, measures and motivators of employment potential use in the context of individual cities of Ukraine are determined. It was established that the main motivating factor for efficient, high-quality work is the payment of labor. An analysis of the ratio of minimum wage and subsistence level has been made, which gave a clear idea that able-bodied citizens can’t live on wages. The consequences of the gap between the population by income level and the labor potential use are revealed and summarized. The main tendencies in the transformation of the labor potential use are outlined.
labor potential, structure of labor potential, process of transformation, information society, unemployment, employment, income level
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Article received 11.04.2019.