Agrarian Economy 2019 Т. 12 № 1-2:8-16


Cherevko H., Doctor of Economics, Professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0072-5816
Lviv National Agrarian University


The main purpose of the conducted research is to identify the main tendencies of development of contemporary agriculture of Ukraine and substantiation of the main ways of its socio-economic modernization to increase the level of competitiveness of all kinds of agricultural products producers under modern conditions and on the near and more distant perspective.

In Ukraine, such a structure of agricultural production has emerged, in which large corporate (agriholdings) and individual (households) farms have their appropriate niches. Agriholdings produce the most commercially attractive and export-oriented products in the form of raw materials, and individual, in particular households are engaged in the production of low-cost and labor-intensive products oriented mainly on the domestic market, and in recent years, so-called niche crops have become an important area of their activity, cultivation of which does not require considerable land area but allows to receive considerable income from its unit. Practically, the competition of agricultural producers in different niches in the market of products is relative - large enterprises compete with each other, small - with each other.

The existing model of agriculture does not provide effective prospects for its development because of the lack of opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural producers and their functioning (and this applies to all kinds of organizational forms of producers!), It requires comprehensive modernization, carried out on socio-economic grounds. The ultimate goal of such modernization should be to ensure the creation of equal economic opportunities for different sizes and types of agricultural activity of producers by creating conditions for equal access of all types of enterprises to the necessary resources, and all segments of the rural population - to the economic benefits of growth in the agricultural sector and diversification of the rural economy by assisting rural communities in pursuit of aspirations for implementation into the national and international market system on the basis of new institutional mechanisms and completion of power decentralization reform that eventually requires a corresponding change in the state regulatory policy in the country's agriculture.


competition, agricultural enterprises, agriholdings, households, niches, state regulation



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Article received 14.05.2019.