Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 3-4:96-102

New aspects of infrastructure of agrarian sector as a part of the entire socio-economic system of Ukraine

N. Zelisko, Ph.D., Аssociate рrofessor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2467-5585
O. Bulyk Ph.D., Аssociate рrofessor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3563-3989
Lviv National Agrarian University


Methodological aspects of formation of rational design of infrastructure of agrarian sector of Ukraine on the basis of the institutional approach and laws of architectonics are examined. It is shown that the agrarian sector of Ukraine is a complex socio-economic system, the formation and development of which is in the process of market transformation what is caused by institutional influences. The theoretic, methodological and practical aspects of mechanisms improvement to implement public agrarian policy in Ukraine are highlighted in the context of information society formation. The efficiency of agrarian policy in the sphere of agrarian market infrastructure development is analyzed including information and consulting services for rural inhabitants. Starting conditions of equal approach for rural inhabitants to informational technologies and mechanisms of public financing provisionon informational and technological support of key agrarian sector branches of economy are determined. In general the process of relations institutionalization imply their formalization and standardization. One of the specific characteristic of human society is formed institutional system that regulates behavior. The factors of influence on the conduct of being in charge subjects are considered in the conditions of development of market economy.The special attention is spared the institutional factors of the economy growing. The meaning of “agricultural field” and “infrastructure” and their mutual consistency is classified. As the scientific method, the institutional approach of principles of architectonics has been used, which allowed to justify the creation of a rational approach to the design of infrastructure in agrarian sector as a whole on the basis, relation and interdependence of its elements, based on the fundamental laws of architectonics (law of equilibrium, law of the golden mean structuring). The article demonstrates a necessary of the choice of a theory of institutionalism as the main methodological basis for the study of the process of innovation development of economic system of Ukraine. It is determined that the inefficient activities of institutions in Ukraine is the main cause of the low level of innovation, which has a negative impact on the development of the economy as a whole. Research points on new aspects of infrastructure as a part of the entire socio-economic system that implements the functions in the agricultural sector and significant effect on the effective functioning of the system. The different organizational and functional classifications of institutions, that proposed by well-known western and natives authors are analyzed in this article. Also the basic prerequisites of forming institutions are considered here. According to the famous western approaches to the institutional effectiveness the author tried to analyze main social, economical and political factors, that influence the institutional building.


agriculture, infrastructure,agricultural industry complex, information society, infrastructure of agrarian market, marketing information, price monitoring



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Article received 20.10.2018.