Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 1-2:94-99


O. Vasylyna, PhD, Associate Professor
S. Kolach, Phd, Associate Professor
Lviv National Agrarian University


Public production is a complex system in which both social and natural processes are organically connected. Ukraine has a considerable and powerful potential for agricultural production volume increasing. A significant contribution from the school of physical economics to national and world science was the creation of a new paradigm of a civilization development. Innovative achievements of our compatriots in the field of physical economics are in agreement with the latest theories of management and former physical and economic knowledge, based on the natural principles of the equilibrium of economic development ensuring. It is noteworthy to draw attention to the content and role of the National Agrarian Strategy as the basis for the balanced, long-term development of the agricultural sector, to determine the prospects for the introduction of environmentally-friendly land use on the principles of the energy approach. On the basis of the physical and economic vision of ways to "unlock" the crisis of economic thinking, directions of the development of physical economy, as well as strategies for the implementation of the global role, the most important of which is the formation of grain stocks as a prospect for Ukraine in the conditions of globalization, are proposed. Grain production is the basis for the implementation of the global mission of Ukraine. State policy on growing the grain should lead to the prosperity of the agro-food sector, financial and monetary stability, energy independence and world leadership. State scientific institutions are able to initiate new fundamental researches, innovative forecasts, publishing projects, congresses, conferences, seminars and other ways designed to intensify new thinking, management and governance.


physical economy, global strategies, agrarian sector, mission of Ukraine



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