Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 1-2:80-87

Importance of social capital in development of integrated structures with participation of small agricultural producers

I. Yatsiv, Doctor of Economics, associate professor

Yu. Solovei, applicant for PhD degree

Lviv National Agrarian University


The article studies the essence of social capital as a particular resource, engaged in economic processes, and as a production factor. The work demonstrates impact of social capital on development of integrated structures (servicing cooperatives, clusters, public organizations, etc.), established by small agricultural producers. It is noted that deficiency and imperfection of social capital is one of the main factors, preventing development of such structures. Considering results of interviewing of small agricultural producers of Ivano-Frankivsk region (farmers, owners of private peasant farms), the research demonstrates peculiarities of formation of social capital in their environment and its manifestation in economic processes with participation of those producers. It is proven that circumstances, which are connected with a low level of social capital development, complicate implementation of integration plans of farmers. Private peasants farms are not as ready to participation in the integration processes as representatives of small agrarian business. It is shown that some of the main problems include lack of confidence between participants of the integration process and their relations with the state institutions, partners from other branches. The research argues the measures of organizational, educational, economic character, focused on supply of the development of integrated structures with participation of small agrarian producers. The work defines content of organizational measures: organization of communication between potential members of integrated association; determination of the leaders, being able to manage the integration process; supply of the necessary institutional conditions. It is stressed that the measures of educational character expect distribution of the information about potential capabilities of the integrated structures and principles of their performance. Economic support for generation and activation of social capital expects financial supply of the corresponding process. The article demonstrates participation of executive authorities, local authorities, public associations and business structures in the corresponding measures.


social capital, small agricultural producers, private peasants farms, farming enterprises, integrated structures, servicing cooperatives.



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