Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 1-2:68-74

Leasing in the land relations as an instrument of improvement of recreation of the land resources of AIC

М. Shchuryk, doctor of economics, professor
Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law. King Danylo Galician, Vice-Rector


Theoretical and methodological principles of formation and development of land lease in the domestic agricul-tural sector are researched in the given clause. The author pays attention to the fact that the lease has not re-ceived development as a form of agricultural land use. Specific features of formation of lease and land relations in the agricultural sector of the Carpathian macro-region are analyzed. The factors that affect the nature of the land lease in Ukraine and the Carpathian macro-region in particular are studied. It is proved the need for for-mation lease and land relations as a tool that must precede the introduction of private ownership. Primitive cultivation has led to the rapid emergence of abandoned land, their removal out of agricultural circulation, which was not typical for the domestic agricultural sector. The appearance of uncultivated land and physical infirmity of some small private owners forced the latter to give land on lease to small and medium sized enter-prises. However, due to lack of financial resources, immaturity of modern material and technical basis, appli-cation of outdated technologies the using of leased land was not effective because it leads to a breach of lease. The rent for the land lease, lease term are the key problems that are not solved by small and medium enterprises, tenants of land. There are more successful large agricultural holdings that function along with small and medium-sized lease companies in the domestic agricultural sector. They provide the biggest part of production and sale of legumes, corn, rapeseed, sunflower and others. In spite of their positive organization of leased land use the author indicates in the article the significant disadvantages of their activities. Using local citizens’ land these agricultural holdings do not provide revenues to local budgets, do not solve social and environmental issues, do not take measures for rural areas development. It is recommended to form the complement of tenants by local authorities. It is also substantiated the necessity of formation of such complement of tenants that in addition to its own eco-nomic interests, can resolve social problems in rural areas and organize the leased land reproduction respecting the requirements of not only economic, but also ontological laws.


lease, land, owner, state, reform, stocktaking, responsibility



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