Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 1-2:5-8

Diversification of business directions in the context of sustainable development of rural areas

G. Cherevko, Prof.
Rzeszow University,
Lviv National Agrarian University


The main results of the study on the diversification of businesses in rural areas as a way to implement the concept of sustainable development are presented and the main directions of possible diversification are identified in this article. Major business activities in rural areas as sources to obtain funds for the implementation of sustainable development of rural regions are depicted. The direction of diversification of business activities in rural areas are developed and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The basic functions of agriculture are analyzed on the level of implementation and possible improvement of rural areas development.


diversification of business directions of economic structures, poly-functioning of villages and agri-culture, sustainable development of rural areas



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