Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 3-4:74-80

Land lease in the system of land tenure of agricultural enterprises

Yu. Hubeni, doctor of economics
V. Bosioka, post graduate
Lviv National Agrarian University


The land lease is still the main way of using land in agricultural production. It contributes to the efficient opera-tion of enterprises, their production activities and is a reliable tool for increasing land amount because land lease costs are much lower than its acquisition. However, it is a possible more flexible use of own funds for the organization of production and the possibility of suspension of production in the event of its nonexpediency of further continuation with lower financial costs than the possession of the land. In recent years, in the Lviv re-gion, there has been a positive trend for competition between tenants and increase the number of persons who acquired the ownership of the land plot (share). Also, there has been the increase in the life of the lease and the prevalence of cash payments of rent. However, the lease is effective only if the coordination of interests of all parties’ contractual relationship. Hence the priorities of improving land lease relations are the spreading of competitive nature of the conclusion of the lease, the solving of the problem of hopeless, distant and lost land owners, the organizational and economic improvement of contractual relations, carrying out of land auction. The main task of state regulation of land leased by farms should be rational, highly efficient and environmentally intended use of farmland.


land lease, land use, agricultural enterprises, contractual relations



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