Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 1-2:105-113


V. Banderych, postgraduate student of business economics

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas


The article considers the importance of the forest lands for the development of the society, its productive forces and conversely, the role of the community in the development of the forests and forestry in general. According to the present terms, the economic assessment should take into account the public interest of users and owners of the forest lands. It means that the management of the forestry lands should be aimed at getting the net in-come for the society, which includes the use of all the resources of the lands within the sustainable use and taking into account the environmental and social functions. It is emphasized on one of the important issues of the forestry, such as the imperfect insufficient substantiated use of the potential of the forest lands. The ex-panding of the so-cial and economic potential of the lands should be determined according to the scale and intensity of the forest management, and the uniqueness of resources and properly implemented in the system of the forestry manage-ment on the same lands. It is explored the principal trends of the use, reproduction, and preservation of the lands of the forestry appointment. It is determined the main problems of the socio-economic development of the forestry sphere. Today more than ever the social value of the forest lands is important and requires the necessity of the creation of the conditions for the rest and work on this land. Most fully describes the social role of the lands of the forestry appointment, the territory that is subordinated to and owned to the sanatorium and recreational establishments, which are designed to ensure the recovery of people and organize the cultural and sports activities. It is investigated the problem of using of the potential of the forest lands. It is indicated, that the land resources, in particular, the forest lands should be considered as the basis of the re-source potential of the forestry sector, which plays the crucial role in the development of the forestry and providing the population with the necessary resources. It is developed the proposals to enhance the socio-economic functions of the forest lands.


land, forest, forest resources, society, sustainable development, forestry lands, economic and social potential.



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