Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 1-2:100-105


Yu. Tomashevskyy, candidate of economic sciences

Lviv National Agrarian University


Agricultural production largely depends on natural-climatic conditions that directly affect the quality and amount of the crop, and the necessity of the crop insurance against such adverse weather and climatic condi-tions is becoming urgent in this situation. Thus the insurance crop defense and further improvement of the in-surance system is a topical issue, the solution of which will give the opportunity to enhance the producers’ competitiveness and increase state’s food security. Traditional crop insurance cannot be considered sufficiently effective for Ukraine in the modern conditions of the market economy development. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present the research results for the use of the weather indexes to improve crop insurance against adverse natural and climatic conditions and pro-cesses. International experience in using weather indexes in crop insurance is currently quite restricted. However, perhaps, it is Ukraine that has the strongest grounds to use this method because of its characteristic low ad-ministrative costs, transparency and accessibility.


climatic and natural conditions, agro-climatic zones, weather indexes, meteorological stations, natural risks



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